Celebrating our shared accomplishments
TPL/Mark Lathrop

FRLT/Kristi Jamason

FRLT/Kristi Jamason

FRLT/Kristi Jamason

Conserve: Protecting priority lands and waters
From FRLT’s founding in 2000 to today, together with you and our conservation partners, we have helped protect over 100,000 acres of ecologically important lands to benefit water, wildlife, and people for generations to come.
In 2024 we completed two significant years-long projects to protect important lands and waters in the North Fork Feather River region and in the Sierra Valley region.
- 101 Ranch: Protected in partnership with Sierra Pacific Industries and Trust for Public Land, this working ranch makes up a significant portion of the second-largest montane meadow in the Sierra Nevada. This property, along with the adjacent Home Ranch (conserved in 2021), provides habitat for 39 threatened species and breathtaking open space along the Lassen Volcanic Scenic Byway near Westwood. Read more about this conservation success.
- Diamond G Ranch: A 944-acre Sierra Valley property adjacent to other conserved lands helps protect a vital wildlife connectivity corridor. The property features freshwater springs, aspen and black oak woodland habitats interspersed with large boulders, an active agricultural operation, and significant cultural resources.
Your support allows us to continue to make progress on a number of important conservation projects behind the scenes, and we can’t wait to share with you once they are finalized.
FRLT Staff

FRLT/Nils Lunder

FRLT/Nils Lunder

FRLT/Nils Lunder

Care for: stewarding lands for water, wildlife, and community
Our Stewardship team were hard at work this year maintaining and restoring the places we love. In addition to biweekly monitoring of FRLT’s five preserves, they made progress on these special projects:
- Public Access improvements at the Mountain Meadows Gateway preserve: new interpretive signage has been installed!
- Fire recovery work at the Heart K Ranch alongside an Americorps Conservation Crew
- Removing and monitoring invasive yellow starthistle at Heart K Ranch including help from neighbors
- Monitoring conservation easements on 28 properties each year to ensure the conservation values of these lands are upheld
- Implementing year two of a seasonal Land Stewardship program, with our skilled local Resource Crew tackling land management projects across the watershed
FRLT/Jenna Holland

FRLT Staff

Mark Reynolds

FRLT/Sophia Micheletti

Connect: restoring relationship to land and place
This was an exceptional year for connecting to nature and to others on the land.
New Nature Center!
In December, along with our partners the Nature Conservancy and Northern Sierra Partnership, FRLT celebrated the grand opening of a new Nature Center at the Sierra Valley Preserve.
The Nature Center has already begun to offer a place for connection in the vastness of Sierra Valley. Community events, including birding, nature walks, K-12 field trips, wellness activities, nature journaling, with more to come, are bringing together locals as well as visitors from the Truckee and Reno areas.
Volunteer Program
With the opening of the new Nature Center, Public Programs Manager Jenna Holland has created a volunteer docent program, recruiting and training locals in all things Sierra Valley Preserve. These volunteers will help keep the Nature Center staffed throughout the year, and this program offers another way for folks to get involved in the local community.
Nature Journaling Club
Inspired by a workshop at Sierra Valley Preserve with John Muir Laws, a FRLT volunteer led the inaugural Nature Journaling Club, which will travel to each of FRLT’s five preserves over the course of a year.
Kids in Nature
Kids of all ages got out on their local outdoor classrooms this year, and outdoor educators from land trusts around the country gathered for our fifth annual K-12 Leadership Summit. Learning Landscapes, FRLT’s outdoor education program, celebrated its 20–year anniversary in 2024, and Rob Wade worked with consultants the Catalyst Group to facilitate a community-informed program assessment at locations around the region to better understand the Learning Landscapes’ lasting impacts and vision for the future.
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Looking ahead to 2025
We are excited to embark on another year of conserving, caring for, and connecting people to Feather River lands with you by our side. Some of things you can look forward to in the coming year:
- Public Access Improvements at Olsen Barn Meadow in Chester
- Conserving more important meadows, habitats, and waterways throughout the watershed, including a critical wildlife corridor and Sierra Nevada Journeys summer camp near Portola
- Year-round events and volunteer opportunities at the Sierra Valley Preserve Nature Center
Whatever your connection to the Feather River Watershed, we’re grateful to you, our community for your support this past year, and we look forward to all we can accomplish together in 2025.
Every acre we conserve begins with you
Join us in protecting critical headwaters and habitats for thousands of plant and wildlife species
More from the Feather River Land Trust
A new Nature Center at the Sierra Valley Preserve
A new Nature Center at the Sierra Valley Preserve is now open, where visitors and locals alike can experience the wonders of Sierra Valley and deepen our understanding of the natural world and our place in it.
Home & 101 Ranch Conservation Story
Home & 101 Ranches, owned by timber company Sierra Pacific Industries, are now protected with conservation easements.
Fire Recovery & Restoration in the Feather River Watershed
We've created an Emergency Fire Response Initiative—a 3-year effort that changes the way we do business in light of climate-driven megafires. Learn more about our plan that's already underway.
Impact Reports
From protecting headwaters and biodiversity to enhancing access to nature, learn what our supporters make possible.
April 12 | Herbal Tea and Honey Infusions Workshop
Learn from Dana Galloway how to infuse honey and make your own herbal tea.
April 5 | Willow Basket Weaving
Learn from local willow artist Nick LaHaise and weave a willow basket of your own!
March 22 | Cooking with Acorns
Learn from Dana Galloway how to make a hearty, delicious soup with acorns
Yoga with Cindy Noble
Join instructor Cindy Noble for an afternoon of nature-based yoga!
FRLT Nature Journaling Club
Join FRLT's new Nature Journaling Club as we visit each of FRLT's five public preserves!